Kuteera gum tree is a huge tree that may typically be discovered in hilly areas. It may be popular on some areas of the world so in this post, we are going to learn more about the benefits of Kuteera gum tree and how to use it.
The Kuteera gum tree, also known by its generic name of Sterculia urens roxb, is a member of the Malvaceae family of plants. It is simple to recognize because to the smooth, papery, and white bark that peels away without difficulty.
The tree loses all of its leaves as a defense mechanism against the intense heat of July. The palmately lobed leaves of kuteera gum tree, which have a velvety underside and can frequently be seen at the very tips of the branches, have a diameter of between 20 and 30 centimeters.
The tree is covered in bright yellow blossoms that cluster together and can be found. The fruit, also known as follicles, can have anywhere from four to six individual stinging hairs and are ovoid-oblong in shape with a length of 2.5 centimeters.
The seeds have a long, oblong shape and a dark tint. When steeped in water, the leaves and tender branches of the plant produce a mucilaginous extract that can be used to treat and prevent pleuro-pneumonia in cattle.
Medicinal Benefits of Kuteera Gum Tree
1. Capability to Treat Throat Ailments
It is recommended that those who suffer from throat issues consume a tiny amount of the gum that has been combined with honey in the morning.

2. Wounds, fractures, and orchitis, which is an infection of the testes, are all examples of injuries that can occur
The pulverized root bark is used to make a poultice, which is then administered topically to injuries such as cuts, fractures, and irritated testicles.
3. Facilitates delivery
Women are given a small quantity of kuteera gum tree bark that has been ground into a powder in order to speed up the delivery process.
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