13 Surprising Facts About Garlic That Might Interest You

13 Surprising Facts About Garlic That Might Interest You

In this article, we will uncover the 13 amazing facts about garlic that you might not even know yet.

What is Garlic?

Among the oldest seasonings, garlic dates back to great antiquity. Evidence from archeological records suggests that this seasoning plant has been in use since at least the Neolithic period (just over 7,000 years ago).

This spice was first used as a medicine in ancient cultures, long before it became a common ingredient in modern cooking. Ancient civilizations in China, Egypt, and Rome all made use of garlic for its beneficial effects on health. Several sources testify to their employing garlic for its medicinal benefits.

Garlic, also known as Allium Sativa, is a bulbous edible plant that is related to other alliums, including onions, shallots, leeks, and chives. Cloves are the individual pieces that make up a garlic bulb. A single bulb may contain anywhere from 10 to 20 individual cloves. More than 450 unique types of garlic have been identified. So long has this ordinary vegetable been getting our breath smell horrible and our food tastes better than we seem to take it lightly?

Here Are 13 Facts About Garlic That May Surprise You

1. Garlic blossoms

Garlic has been misinterpreted for millennia due to a lack of clear explanations. Is it a type of herb? Also, maybe some sort of spice? In reality, it’s related to lilies. Bulbs of garlic are the origin of an exotic flower.

2. Garlic has medicinal compounds

Modern studies have discovered that the sulfur compounds obtained from chopping, crushing, or chewing garlic cloves are responsible for the majority of the clove’s purported health benefits. Ingesting garlic allows its sulfur compounds to enter the body. They spread throughout the body and have profound physiological effects there.

Garlic is a natural way to get rid of pests and fungi The PlantTube

3. Garlic is a natural way to get rid of pests and fungi

A garlic-based pesticide can be made in a few various ways, but they all begin with crushing garlic, adding some soap, and letting the mixture sit in water. Only a small amount of garlic is needed to achieve remarkable effects.

4. Garlic can be used as a glue substitute

Sticky garlic juice is frequently applied as an adhesive, particularly for projects involving fragile items like glass. Crushing the cloves releases the sticky substance, which, despite its pungent odor, serves as an effective bonding agent for less major projects.

5. Garlic requires bees to survive

Garlic flowers are hermaphrodites, which means that they have both male and female reproductive organs. And bees and other insects have to move from flower to flower to properly pollinate garlic.

6. Garlic Reduces Cancer Risk

Antioxidants found in garlic may help keep cells from becoming damaged or aging prematurely. The Iowa Women’s Health Study, which surveyed over 40,000 women aged 55 to 69, found that those who consumed garlic on a regular basis, in addition to other vegetables and fruits, had a 35% lower risk of developing colon cancer. Researchers, however, agree that more investigation into this topic is necessary.

Garlic Improves Athletic Performance The PlantTube

7. Garlic Improves Athletic Performance

Garlic was one of the first available performance enhancers when it was first discovered. Traditional cultures have long recognized garlic’s ability to combat fatigue and increase the stamina and productivity of workers. Greek Olympic athletes also benefited from its use as a performance enhancer.

8. Garlic quality varies widely

Every clove of garlic has health benefits, but not all garlic heads are created equal. The polysulfide allicin is responsible for most of garlic’s therapeutic effects. The soil conditions determine the total quantity of these substances yielded. Allicin levels are highest in Chinese garlic.

9. Garlic protects against colds and other illnesses

Diseases like the common cold and flu could be prevented or treated with less discomfort if you take a garlic supplement. One study found that taking a large dose of aged garlic extract (2.56 grams per day) significantly lowered the frequency of cold and flu symptoms by 61%. One review, however, came to the conclusion that there is not enough evidence and that more studies are required.

10. Garlic has been shown to alleviate skin problems

Garlic is effective against both acne and cold sores when the cloves are cut in half and applied topically. Though the aroma may not be ideal, staying put for as long as you can allows the miracle plant’s antibacterial properties to hasten your recovery.

11. Garlic can be stashed very easily

It’s not hard to stock up on garlic. Garlic, unpeeled, should be stored in a dark, cool place away from light, as recommended by food experts. Separate storage is also recommended. If you know how to store garlic, it will last for months.

12. Garlic Keeps Blood Suckers Away

Garlic Keeps Blood Suckers Away

No, garlic does not protect against vampires; however, that urban legend most likely originated from garlic’s actual capacity. The pungent odor of garlic can keep mosquitoes away even when it’s not being used. What an excellent excuse to put on weight over the summer!

13. Garlic is an effective detoxifier for the body

As a potent detox food, garlic stimulates the liver’s enzymes to produce more of the antioxidant glutathione. Additionally, it provides other essential components for detoxification, such as a variety of bioactive compounds containing selenium and sulfur.

Garlic is not a miracle cure, but it is an extremely nutrient-dense food that can be added to any diet. Combining it into your diet is a tasty way to get all the health benefits from the phytochemicals and nutrients it provides. Consult your physician to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of garlic supplements.

What do you think about these facts about garlic? Let us know in the comment section.

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