5 Best Medicinal Uses of Safflower

5 best medicinal uses of safflower

Safflower is an annual shrub that grows from 2 to 3 feet high. Its flowers are orange-yellow in its flower head. The seeds of safflower produce oil for culinary purposes. Today, let’s talk about the medicinal uses of safflower and ways to use it at home. 

Medicinal Uses of Safflower

  1. It helps promote urine flow.
  2. Used as a laxative.
  3. It is used to heal measles, fever, and eruptive skin diseases.
  4. To soothe hysteria.
  5. Helps to cure colds and coughs.

How to Use Safflower in Home Treatment

  • The flowers are used for children’s complaints like measles, fever, and eruptive skin disease.
  • Taken hot, the tea made from flower petals is recommended for colds, coughs, and similar ailments. It is also beneficial in restoring menstrual problems and sometimes, used to soothe hysteria.

The flowers of the Safflower are the part used for medicinal or herbal purposes.

Recommended Dose:

20 to 30 grams for 1 liter of water. 2 or 3 cups are to be taken in a day.

Facts about Safflower

The highest producer of Safflower is India which is followed by California and Mexico.


  • Safflower leads to menstruation so pregnant women should avoid it.
  • Safflower could slow the clotting of blood.
  • Those who are sensitive might get allergic reactions.
  • This plant might be harmful to diabetic patients because the oil of safflower raises the blog sugar.
  • Safflower slows down the blood clotting which could raise the chances of bleeding after and during surgery.
  • The people who have scheduled surgery should stop using Safflower before two weeks.– – –


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