Health Benefits

Yellow-Berried Nightshade
Health Benefits

5 Medicinal Uses of Yellow-Berried Nightshade You Definitely Should Know

The Planttube Team

In this post, we are going to talk about the medicinal uses of yellow-berried nightshade and ways to use it. ...

Mint Leaves Health Benefits
Health Benefits

Mint Leaves Health Benefits You Should Know About

The Planttube Team

Find out about the health benefits that mint leaves offer. It may also alleviate nausea and assist reduce inflammation. It ...

Amazing Benefits of Mustard
Health Benefits

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Mustard

The Planttube Team

Mustard, an all-purpose seasoning produced from the mustard plant’s seeds, is a staple in many kitchens. In this article, we ...

8 remarkable health benefits of garlic - five garlic on white textile
Health Benefits

8 Remarkable Health Benefits of Garlic That You Should Know About

The Planttube Team

Do you know how much garlic a typical person eats in a year? A whopping 2 pounds! This spice has ...

5 Impressive Medicinal Uses of Safflower
Health Benefits Health Tips & Facts

5 Impressive Medicinal Uses of Safflower That May Surprise You

The Planttube Team

Safflower is an annual shrub that grows from 2 to 3 feet high. Its flowers are orange-yellow in its flower ...

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Java Plum
Health Benefits Health Tips & Facts

9 Surprising Health Benefits of Java Plum That Will Blow Your Mind


Syzygium cuminii also commonly known as Java Plum, Black Plum, and Jambolan. It is also known as Jamun in India ...

Indian Sandalwood - Treatment for acne and other skin disorder
Health Benefits How-To

5 Ways to Use Sandalwood and Its Benefits for the Skin

The Planttube Team

Sandalwood, commonly known as Santalum album Linn, is a tiny tree that thrives in tropical countries, most notably India. The ...

Benefits of Ginger Tea
Health Benefits

7 Powerful Benefits of Ginger Tea

The Planttube Team

In this article, we are going to uncover the amazing benefits of ginger tea and what it does to our ...

Health Benefits of Green Tea with Lemon, ways to use lemon
Health Benefits Health Tips & Facts

9 Incredible Ways to Use Lemon For Health Benefits

The Planttube Team

When life hands you lemons, don’t just make lemonade. This bright and zesty fruit has a myriad of uses beyond ...

9 Incredible Onion Health Benefits
Health Benefits

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Onion That You Should Know

The Planttube Team

Onions, those humble vegetables found in almost every kitchen, are often overlooked for their incredible health benefits. Beyond their distinct ...

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