Health benefits

swamp cabbage, health benefits of swamp cabbage
Health Benefits Health Tips & Facts

Swamp Cabbage: Best Laxative and Antidote for Poisoning

The Planttube Team

The swamp cabbage plant is an annual vine that is smooth and grows in swampy areas. It has hollow stems. ...

What Are the Health Benefits of Asteracantha?
Health Benefits How-To

What Are the Health Benefits of Asteracantha?


Have you ever heard of Asteracantha? Are you aware of the many positive effects it can have on your health? ...

The Best Foods to Eat If You Have Acid Reflux
Health Tips & Facts

The Best Foods to Eat If You Have Acid Reflux

The Planttube Team

When stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus, this is known as acid reflux. But what are the best ...

10 Interesting Medicinal Benefits of Asparagus
Health Benefits

10 Interesting Medicinal Benefits of Asparagus You Might Not Know About

The Planttube Team

Did you know that asparagus is one of the superfoods that you can add to your diet? With that being ...

4 Amazing Ways to Use Breadfruit
How-To Medicinal Plant

4 Amazing Ways to Use Breadfruit as Medicinal Plant

The Planttube Team

You may be wondering if breadfruit and jackfruit are the same since they look very alike. One thing is for ...

10 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Turmeric
Health Benefits

10 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Turmeric

The Planttube Team

Native to South Asia, turmeric (Curcuma longa) belongs to the same family as ginger (Zingiberaceae). Golden in color, turmeric is ...

6 Wonderful Health Benefits of Cucumbers
Health Benefits

6 Wonderful Health Benefits of Cucumbers

The Planttube Team

Cucumbers have a flavor that is not overpowering and can be described as reviving. They also contain a lot of ...

11 Surprising Foods to Help Prevent Bloating
Health Tips & Facts

Top 11 Remarkable Foods to Help Prevent Bloating

The Planttube Team

Are you bloated all the time? Let’s discover the causes and the superb foods to help prevent bloating. Constipation and ...

Walnuts Health Benefits
Health Benefits

12 Interesting Walnut Health Benefits That You Must Know

The Planttube Team

It would be somewhat of an understatement to describe walnuts as a nutrient-dense food option. So in this article, we ...

Medicinal Uses of Kuteera Gum Tree
Health Benefits

3 Amazing Benefits of Kuteera Gum Tree

The Planttube Team

Kuteera gum tree is a huge tree that may typically be discovered in hilly areas. It may be popular on ...

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